The Squeeze

Get the juiciest insight into how it is all going- the renovation process, menu planning, events and personalities!

Ailsa von Dobeneck Ailsa von Dobeneck

Welcome Ya’ll!

Welcome to the family. Read more about our journey thus far, here…

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Ya’ll bought a vintage caboose? You are opening a juice bar in a caboose car on Mississippi’s Gulf Coast? The secret is out and YES. WE. ARE.

Most days we are still as surprised as you. It has all happened so fast but we could not be more excited. What started as a happy hour discussion at a rail conference (we are VERY proud railroaders) sparked a plan, which led to months of nights and weekend work. We are well on our way to a 2022 opening!

Give you our vision? Of course!

The Juicy Caboosy serves up fresh juices and the best shareable snacks on the Coast. Fun night out? Make your juicy boozy. Just finish up a work out? Grab a pure juice with fresh ingredients, no nasties added. Whatever your day looks like, come and hang out with us. We’ll have cornhole, horse shoes, game day grilling, and plenty of seasonal events. It’s a beer garden vibe with a cocktail focus. (Of course beers and other sips will be available as well). We can’t wait to share our juice and snack menu as it comes to life.

Welcome to The Juicy Caboosy family! We cannot express just how grateful we are that you are here and on this tasty journey with us. Pour yourself a drink and watch as we set this renovation in motion!

Be Sweet. Stay Juicy.

Ailsa and Tomeka

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